Check your Name/Photo and Register for Alumni Updates - DUE MAY 17, 2024 Enter your student ID number below and press enter or click the play button. Your recorded name will be played exactly as it will be read when you cross the stage at graduation. In addition, the image that will be displayed on the Addition Financial Arena jumbotron will appear below.

Verify Your Name

The presence of a name on this site does not imply that a student has met OCPS graduation requirements or will receive a diploma.
Everything look and sound good? You're all set! You do not need to complete a form. Before you go, we'd appreciate it if you would create an account using a non-OCPS email address by clicking "Register" in the menu bar. This is optional, but it will allow us to keep in touch about alumni events after you graduate.
Something not right?

ID number not found? Wrong name played or shown? Did we mess up the pronunciation or spelling? Need to add your photo? No problem. We have a short form you can fill out to help us get it right, and we'll gladly record it again or update the jumbotron graphic as needed.

Request an Update

If you're getting an error message that you don't have permission to fill out that form, you're probably signed in with your personal Gmail account. You need to be signed in with your OCPS account.

Switch Google Accounts and Request an Update

Still having trouble filling out the form? We're here to help. Please email and include your full legal name and student ID number. If the problem is with the audio, please provide as much detail as you can about how to pronounce your name. (Put the stressed syllables in ALL CAPS, spell it phonetically, and include rhyming words if possible.) If the problem is with the image, let us know specifically what's wrong (e.g. my last name is spelled wrong, I want to add my middle name, I want to add a photo, etc.), and attach the photo you want to use if you have one.